Check it out:
5. Spies Like Us: As they proved in their “Burnin’ Up” video, any one of the JoBros could sub in for the secret service if needed. Sure there won’t be any JetSkis at the ceremony (unless Diddy’s there), but I bet there’s one of those crazy laser beam security systems in the Capitol!
4. Obama Girls: Sasha and Malia have gone ON RECORD about their JB love! Adding Nick, Joe and Kevin to the musical act roster would be as exciting as the prospect of a new presidential puppy!
3. Timing Is Everything: The Jonas Brothers’ new video, “Tonight,” comes out January 19th! The day before the inauguration! Coincidence? HARDLY!
2. Security: The only other person on the planet with a tighter security detail than the JoBros? You guessed it!: El Presidente Obama.
1. Practice Makes Perfection: Nick has told us that he wants to run for President, so this will be perfect practice for him.
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