Miley Cyrus new MileyWorld blog: I just realized my album comes out in 4 days. I am so excited. Honestly there are so many times when I get so frustrated and just want to give up music. Its so hard to see people that don’t genuinely love the ART of music release songs that don’t mean anything and people listen to them. My heart also aches for the people out there with so much talent and are selling out and just producing the music they are told to. I am so grateful for the success 'Party in the USA' has had but that is not who I am. I needed a song that would be good inspiration for the clothing line and no doubt it is a great summer party song!
But there is so much more to me than what has been heard. There is a song on the new EP called 'Obsessed' and 'When I look at you' and THAT is the type of music I am proud of! There is also a song on there called Talk is cheap and Kicking and screaming that I am so excited for you all to hear. I’m so stoked about this album coming out because it is a good transition into my next record. The one that will be ALL me. The one that will inspire and hopefully change lives. I want to be seen as more than this disney artist. I love doing HM and no pun intended I really do have the best of both worlds. Before Hannah Montana and High School Musical music really wasn’t incorporated to the channel and I am so thankful to be apart of that beautiful addition.
But I am ready to take a step back from everything and make the record I believe in 100 percent! Thank you for always supporting me. My Mileyworld fans are THE best in the entire world. I love you guys so much. You truly are what gets me out of bed each day YOU ARE HEROS!
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